Flowers for Algernon was adapted into a movie in 1968. I can not find a trailer because I assume they did not make them at the time, but you can find information on it at IMDb. I am not sure if it is as good as the book because I find that most of the original's enjoyability comes from Charlie's narration. The film won an Oscar, though, so I'm definitely going to give it a try after I 'm finished reading the book. A dvd version of the film is available for purchase on amazon, and probably for rent on netflix. Is anyone else interested in seeing the movie?
Wow, I am very interested in watching the movie! The whole book is fascinating considering the fact that it is from the point of view of a mentally handicapped person, the movie will make Charlie's point of view more realistic and really depict the mind of a mentally handicapped person. Or the movie will completely disregard Charlie's point of view, since it is probably hard to simulate the mind of a mentally handicapped person if one has never experienced it, and do what is easier and make it from a third person point of view. But to be honest, if the movie won an Oscar, then I'm assuming that it won't disappoint.